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New global platform for digital assets and wealth management launched

Jul 3, 2024

Abra, a global platform for digital asset prime services and wealth management, has announced the launch of a new expanded global platform service, which is designed for the corporate, institutional and family office marketplace.

The launch of Abra Treasury, a service operated by Abra Capital Management LP (ACM), an SEC-registered investment advisor, bids to provide corporates, family offices and non-profits with what it calls “an integrated suite of digital asset treasury management and optimization solutions”.

Abra Treasury’s integrated offering combines custody, trading, borrowing and yield services through separately managed accounts where clients retain title and ownership over their assets, and they are independently verifiable on-chain.

Abra Treasury said that it primarily provides treasury management services to optimize cash or crypto assets held on companies’ balance sheets with the goal of maximizing a firm’s treasury through yield, mitigating inflation risks and/or gaining liquidity through borrowing. The company also works with crypto-native companies to manage employee bonus programs where employees receive BTC and ETH that vest over time, as an alternative to traditional company stock options.

Marissa Kim, Head of Asset Management at Abra Capital Management, said: “A sign of adoption and institutionalization of the digital asset industry has been the increase in non-crypto-native businesses showing interest in using Bitcoin as a treasury reserve asset. We are increasingly seeing clients that are business owners and CEOs of SMBs, in particular real estate companies, with interest in buying BTC for their treasury or borrowing against BTC to finance business needs or real estate projects, which we did not see last cycle.

“They recognize that Bitcoin may be a reliable store of value relative to depreciating fiat currencies and appreciate its ability to act as a liquid hedge against increasing inflation or geopolitical uncertainty”, she said.

Full article available here.

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