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Abra Capital Management LP is a registered investment adviser (RIA) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); firm brochure can be found here.

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Abra Treasury infographic
Abra’s Treasury Solutions for family offices, corporates and non-profits include custody, trading, borrowing and yield services. 

These solutions are offered through Abra Capital Management, our SEC-registered investment advisor, via a separately managed accounts model where you retain title and ownership over your assets, and they are independently verifiable on-chain. 

Get Started
Corporates animated icon

We offer treasury management services to optimize cash or crypto assets held on your balance sheet, with the goal of maximizing your treasury through yield, mitigating inflation risks or gaining liquidity through borrowing.

Non-Profits animated icon

For non-profits, treasury management can result in increased financial stability and the potential for greater funding towards your mission and programs.

Family Offices animated icon
Family Offices

We help family offices generate a yield on their digital assets in a secure and compliant fashion, borrow against their holdings, and create customized digital assets strategies for enhancing long-term wealth preservation.